Prudential launches Income Advantage, a next-generation structured settlement

Παρασκευή, 13 Οκτωβρίου 2023 18:24
Prudential launches Income Advantage, a next-generation structured settlement

Prudential Financial, Inc. has launched the Prudential Income Advantage Indexed Structured SettlementSM (Income Advantage), a new offering that provides the potential to grow funds received through a physical injury settlement while also offering protection from market declines.

Along with many of the benefits that a traditional structured settlement delivers, Income Advantage provides an opportunity for market-linked gains during a deferral period, with growth linked to the S&P 500®, all while guaranteeing a minimum payment amount. The new structured settlement annuity is offered by the company’s subsidiary, The Prudential Insurance Company of America.

A structured settlement allows an individual to receive all or a portion of their physical injury settlement in the form of future periodic payments instead of as a single lump sum. These payments are based on the terms established in a legally binding agreement between the parties involved in an underlying litigation and generally not subject to income taxation. Structured settlements are typically considered by individuals who are awarded money in physical injury and workers’ compensation cases.

“Structured settlement clients have different needs, challenges and expectations,” said Michelle Caine, head of Structured Settlements at Prudential. “We believe that an offering like Income Advantage will increase the number of settlement recipients who consider a structured solution.”

Alex Hyten, Prudential’s head of Institutional Retirement Strategies, noted that the innovative design of Income Advantage offers additional flexibility, growth potential and downside risk protection beyond that of a standard fixed annuity structured settlement payout.

“Combined with Prudential’s nearly 150 years of proven experience and flawless execution, Income Advantage gives individuals and their families an additional path to help improve financial security and peace of mind,” Hyten added.


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